Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mongoose Multiwii 1.9 Download SourceCode

As I promised here is the current source code:

I will give more details for calibrating if you can not find it on MultiWii forum.

You can see in the picture below what board you must select for MONGOOSE 16MHz version:

As soon I will have time the difference that need to updated for multiwii will be posted on multiwii forum and hopefully will be included in the main distribution of the multiwii so we can get the updates directly from multiwii.

I will work from this point (the source you can download already) to implement and experimentation of the fuzzy logic to replace current PID controller and I will keep updating this blog with the latest implementation.

With the good willing of the Ckdevices guys I will receive the second MONGOOSE board and with this one I will develop the helicopter auto stabilization system and a flybarless controller.

So actually 3 projects will be in development from this point forward:
1- Flying Drone
2- Helicopter autopilot / Flybarless system. 
3- A mini quadrocopter less than 200g
I can say this: MONGOOSE is perfect for mini quadrocopter. For this mini I will use 1 Cell LiPoLI and build a small version of the quadrocopter to have fun indoor (in the comfort of your home).


  1. Hi Bogdan,
    great job.

    I also got a Mangoose platform and I put it working with the FDTI.

    Now I would like simply to put it on a plane and save the attitude, altitude and acceleration data on a micro SD. I got a micro SD board from spurkfun.

    Could you give me some hint on how to proceed.
    Thanks a lot


  2. There are some projects around with data logger. I think you will get a big problem with SD-card with this board because of the FAT size. It is simply too big to fit in the MONGOOSE Atmega 328 RAM memory. Search the net maybe someone got a working solution with the SD card storage.
    At the moment I am busy with a Arduino CNC foam cutter and my quad copter gather dust on the shelf.

  3. do you have to update the code to fuzzy logic control??

  4. No, no update. I was bussy this year with other more important projects....
