Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quadcopter Frame Build Info

I finally got the time to start working on the frame.
The first things I noticed was that arms were not well glued and easily and with patience i take them apart piece by piece. It can be done with much care so you do not brake it.
Will be great if the manufacturer will sell them unmounted and unpainted.

With a little sand paper, allot of work and epoxy glue (A+B) I've put them back together after i removed some of the paint from the surface they will be glued on.

At the beginning i felt the arms to soft to hold on for the stress of flying but now after I re glued them they got allot of strength and I am confident they will withstand to any maneuvers i will make with my quadrocopter.

I will have to paint them again and i think i will choose X Quadrocopter flying so 2 red and 2 light grey.

I've also re glued the camera mount part.
I think the rest of the pieces will mount together with the plastic screws contained in the package. So actually this quadrocopter can be mounted and dismounted as many time you like, but i wold not recommend it.

I will try mount them with screws and also add some glue in some parts i will never unmounted.

I have to say that the plastic screws and nuts are very bad quality and i had to replace the plastic nuts with metal.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Parts Lists

As i promised here is the part list I'll be using for this quadrocopter:

         Overall this airframe looks sexy with a very good price. 
  1. Being so cheap comes with a  major problem and that is bad quality on used glue to mount the preambled arms. The solution is to carefully disassemble the arms parts and re-glue them.
  2. Too little stock avaible.
  3. No spare parts, but for 14.99 USD you could buy 2-3 kits and use them as spare parts.
  1. Building is Ply wood and this material is light weight but strong.
  2. All the parts come with a nice finish and painted.
  3. Nylon nuts, bolts and spacers have been included to keep the flying weight down.
  4. This frame have a camera mount with vibration dumpers that will receive a servo for vertical movement of the camera.
    I will use sandpaper on all unpainted parts than spray protective coat on all the kit to give it a nice finish look.

Cons.:  I can not say anything. I need to wait to receive it and evaluate it.
Pros: Small, smart, light weight, complete sensors.

  • ESC - 4 pieces
  1. Hobbyking SS Series 25-30A ESC (card programmable)
  2. Hobbyking SS Series 18-20A ESC (card programmable)
  • Battery
  1. Turnigy 2200mAh 3S 30C LiPo Pack
  2. Turnigy nano-tech 2200mah 3S 35~70C Lipo Pack 
As a battery you can use any 3S with minimum 25-30C discharge and at least 2200mAh but be care full spare space and possible weight are limited in a flying drone. I will do some tests with a 4000mAh 20C when the flying will be possible and get back withe the results.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mongoose fuzzy quadrocopter project start

Project Start 06 Dec 2011

    This is the wonderful start of a flying drone quadro-copter  based on the Mongoose 9DOF from ckdevices:

    The new things this project will bring, will be using fuzzy logic control to fly and control a flying drone using gyros, accelerometers, digital compass (magnetometer) and level altitude (barometric sensor).
    All sensors mentioned, combined with Atmega328Pmicrocontroler running on 16Mhz exists on the Mongoose board and they can be used as they are without any modifications.

    The next post will be with the necessary materials you need to start the project !!!